Junior Academy

Welcome to the Junior Academy at Boots Hockey Club

Are you aged between 6 and 14 years old? What are you waiting for?
Come join the fun!

The Boots Junior Academy is an extremely important part of the club and is at the forefront of the club's development plans for the future.

The Junior Academy has a comprehensive coaching programme that includes fitness general and advanced hockey skills coaching. The club annually holds England Hockey "Stix Skills" coaching and testing and all coaching is provided in a safe and fun atmosphere by friendly, experienced and qualified coaching staff.

The Junior Academy is open to all standards; however, the most talented members will be identified and nurtured to ensure that they have the best possible start to their hockey career.

The junior academy will be entering local competitions so that the members are able to put their skills to the test against other club teams in the region.

Whether you are a parent or a junior player, all the information you need is on this site. Simply click any of the links on the left hand menu and that will take you to where you will find out all you need to know.

Training & Coaching

Junior Academy training takes place on a Monday evening during term time. Groups are split by age, experience and ability to ensure everyone has the best time possible.

The youngest and newest members train 6.00 to 7.00pm and the more experienced groups continue later until 7.30pm.

Most equipment is provided you just need to bring trainers, clothes suitable for running around in (warm clothes including gloves when it is really cold), shin pads, a drink and plenty of energy!   We also strongly recommend that you wear a gum shield.

The Junior Academy train at the Noittinghamshire Sports Club, Lady Bay on:

  • Monday evenings from 6:00 to 7:30pm for ages 6 - 14 years

Please Note: Before coming down to a training session please complete This Application Form and wait for our membership manager Ali Osborne to contact you with further details.


In 2017, Boots Hockey Club gained Hockey Clubs First accreditation in recognition of the clubs professional approach and management of the junior section and providing a child safe environment.

As a club we are very focused and aim to set the coaching sessions to a high and quality level without taking the fun element out making it enjoyable for all.  We are committed to the following England Hockey Board guidelines:

EHB child protect

Key Contacts

Junior Development Officer: Tash O'Flaherty

boots junioracademy@bootshc.co.uk 

Junior Co-ordinator Ali Osborne  
Welfare Officer:  Marie Shaw welfare.officer@bootshc.co.uk 


Information for Young People!

If you've found this page, chances are that you're either already a member of the Boots Junior Academy, or you're interested in playing hockey and looking for the right club.

If you're a current member you'll already know what great fun it is - check out the training times on the training link.

If you're not yet a member... What are you waiting for?

We have training sessions for all ages, and whether you're new to the game (come and give it a go) or looking to improve your skills we'd love you to come along.

We have mini hockey for boys and girls who are under 11 with coaching on Monday evenings.

For the under 14's, training is now also on Mondays, with competitions and matches for boys and girls at each age level.

There are many trophies and awards available, such as Stix skills awards, and end of season awards and certificates for the different age groups.

So like we said... what are you waiting for? Grab your kit and come along. Bring your friends or come and make some new ones.

Sticks and shin pads are provided for those who do not have them, please ask your coach for details.

We play in all weathers on Astro turf pitches so please make sure you arrive with the correct kit:

  • Waterproof jacket
  • Tracksuit
  • Warm clothing such as a training top (as required)
  • Astro training shoes
  • Water bottle
  • Gum shield
  • Shin guards and of course a stick (both of which are available from the club if you do not have them - please ask lead coach for details)

Please make sure you always arrive 10-15mins before the session with the correct equipment - Your coach may turn you away if you are not wearing the appropriate clothing and protection.

Join our club

Contact us today if you are interested in finding out more about our club either as a player, official, coach or volunteer.

Get in touch


Alex Davies
Alex Davies

Club Captain

Samantha Paterson
Samantha Paterson

Club Secretary

Helen  Ware
Helen Ware

Social secretary

Our Hockey Family

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