Training Slots Autumn 2014-2015
Posted by Nobody on 19 August 2014
As our Ladybay pitch is unavailable, training and home friendlies during late August/early September will be taking playor the pitch at Nottingham Trent University’s Clifton Campus (adjacent to the Lee Westwood Sports Centre) at the following times:
Please note that times are different to standard training times for some teams due to other bookings on the University pitch
Mens 3s - 6s: 7.30-9.00pm. 1st, 8th, 15th September
Mens 1s & 2s 7.30-9.00pm 19th, 26th August, 2nd, 9th, 16th September
Ladies 1s & 2s 7.30-9.00pm 27th August, 3rd, 10th September
*Note - Training location for 16th August TBC*
Ladies 3s-6s 7.00-8.30pm 28th August, 4th, 11th, 18th September
This pitch was our preferred option as it is the same carpet (albeit a different colour) as the one that will be laid at the Bay.
We appreciate your understanding during this exciting time for the club, and if you have any further questions please contact your captain or any of the committee members.